Friday, September 5, 2014

Thoughtful -- Teacher's Day

I got to do lot of thinking on my way to office..thanks to the new Airoli office (so far)!! This morning is no different. Lotsa messages floating on the Teacher's day today. I tried to flash back in time and take a silent glimpse of all the teachers who have been part of my academic phase of life. Not so surprising enough, I still do remember each and every  teacher from my school, tuition, and college days. I kept thinking....isn't it strange that these teachers have taught us only for a year, but their faces, their style, tone, and way of teaching is still fresh in my mind.

I take a deep breath, relax, peep out of the window of moving bus.. I see people on the roads... Some walking, some stalled, some talking...all busy in their chores. I take a pause and run my mind train further..have we not, at some point of time, been mentors and guides to those in need?

I hear the chattering of group of boys and girls in the bus with me.. immersed in sharing whole kind of talks..seems they have met. after years..though it's only 11 hours back that we all were in bus to home.... institution, like none other, of learning, of love.

I now go back to my teachers and think that, all these years and many more to come until my existence, I will be thankful to them for giving me education that has made me literate, civilized, and capable to see days of food and living.

But, is that good enough learnings we have had from schools to survive, to live life? Nope. It's our home where we have been taught life's principles, morals, lessons on humanity, ability to distinguish good from bad, inspiration and motivation to excel and enrich our lives, lessons on sacrifice, respect, devotion, tolerance, joy, faith, and so much more.

As my office is almost approaching near and before I hit my corporate desk, I conclude --- Parents are the best teachers we have in our lives. Wish them, hug them, be a little kind to them, or call them today just to say, "Hi, what's happening? All well?" I also believe in spreading and sharing good things, I have learnt, with my fellow beings. I see hundreds of flyovers and bridges built....but we fail to reach out to needy. On a closing note--- let's touch someone's life and then celebrate Teacher's day!!

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