Friday, February 26, 2010


Blog (originally called weblog)… a term we all know from the technical perspective, is a - personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption.

A blogger can be a celebrity, an industrialist, a business tycoon, a journalist, a sportsmen, a chef, a 9-to-6 working employee, you, me, a professor, a prime minister, or even a priest!

Wonder why people are enticed/addicted to blogging?

In frenetic pace of life, each one of us anticipate for peace and space where we can connect with our inner-self. In ancient times, people penned down their thoughts and experiences in diaries and maintained it for personal use. Today, we have blogs, twitters, and plethora of social Web sites that boom every fortnight to help NETIZENS stay plugged to each other.

Some people blog for marketing or selling their business; others do to share their checkered life experiences.. while some may blog to post the philosophical musings, some do to raise the social issues. We all blog with a singular purpose in mind – to be proverbial on the magnanimous Web!!

I perceive BLOG as an E-cloud of thoughts, experiences, virtues, emotions, troubles, learnings, life - all said and shared in binary!

Nuances about blog that tap my head……

  • Are all bloggers a good writers?? - may, or may not be – but they are high-minded
  • No target audience for a blogger. Blogs are walked in depending on the likes and dislikes of individuals
  • Blogging - a contemporary trend of stress-buster!!!
  • Blogging – syringe of nostalgia….
  • Do blogging makes you humble?? Ponder ….
Blogomaniac?? Bask in the blog of blogs…! :-))
- Self, (a bohemian)

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