Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

2nd May, 2010.

Happy Anniversary to me!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ask and you shall be given

A man was walking through a forest pondering about life. He walked, pondered, walked, and pondered. He felt close to nature and God. He felt he was so close to God that if he spoke, God would listen. So he asked, "God, are you listening?"

And God replied, "Yes my son, I am here."

The man stopped and pondered some more. He looked towards the sky and asked, "God, what is a million years to you."

God replied, "Well my son, a second to me is like a million years to you."

So the man continued to walk and to ponder... walk and ponder.. Then he looked to the sky again and asked, "God, what is a million dollars to you?"

And God replied, "My son, my son.. a cent to me is like a million dollars to you. It means almost nothing to me. It doesn't even have a value; it is so little."

The man pondered a bit and then looked up to the sky and said, "God, can I have a million dollars?"

And God replied, "In a second."

- Speaking Tree, TOI

Saturday, March 6, 2010

B-Day thought..

6th March, 2010

Happy Birthday to me! Thirty-two years down, on Planet Earth; cannot figure out the purpose of existence...

A trite remark that we often get to hear is to live the life fully, fruit-fully, meaning-fully, purpose-fully, duty-fully, and so on. We ARE living life.. and how!!

For living, we are toyed by the elusive word ‘SECURITY’ that envelopes us in the thick blanket of insecurities - insecurity to perform fair in examination than peers; insecurity of employment; insecurity of monetary tension; insecurity of marital status (that matters the most to the world than you yourself!); insecurity of medical emergencies in geezer hood; insecurity to live up to the expectations of everyone associated with us. Insecurities are inevitable and indispensable.

Every day we are in a process to secure ourselves for future that is illusive.

- Self

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Flapping flag..

Four monks were meditating in a monsatry. All of a sudden, the prayer flag on the roof started flapping.

The younger monk came out of his mediation and said: "Flag is flapping."

A more experienced monk said: "Wind is flapping."

A third monk who had been there for more than 20 years said: "Mind is flapping."

The fourth monk who was the eldest said, visibly annoyed: "Mouths are flapping!!" :-)

- Speaking Tree, TOI

Friday, February 26, 2010


Blog (originally called weblog)… a term we all know from the technical perspective, is a - personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption.

A blogger can be a celebrity, an industrialist, a business tycoon, a journalist, a sportsmen, a chef, a 9-to-6 working employee, you, me, a professor, a prime minister, or even a priest!

Wonder why people are enticed/addicted to blogging?

In frenetic pace of life, each one of us anticipate for peace and space where we can connect with our inner-self. In ancient times, people penned down their thoughts and experiences in diaries and maintained it for personal use. Today, we have blogs, twitters, and plethora of social Web sites that boom every fortnight to help NETIZENS stay plugged to each other.

Some people blog for marketing or selling their business; others do to share their checkered life experiences.. while some may blog to post the philosophical musings, some do to raise the social issues. We all blog with a singular purpose in mind – to be proverbial on the magnanimous Web!!

I perceive BLOG as an E-cloud of thoughts, experiences, virtues, emotions, troubles, learnings, life - all said and shared in binary!

Nuances about blog that tap my head……

  • Are all bloggers a good writers?? - may, or may not be – but they are high-minded
  • No target audience for a blogger. Blogs are walked in depending on the likes and dislikes of individuals
  • Blogging - a contemporary trend of stress-buster!!!
  • Blogging – syringe of nostalgia….
  • Do blogging makes you humble?? Ponder ….
Blogomaniac?? Bask in the blog of blogs…! :-))
- Self, (a bohemian)

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Kala Ghoda Festival: Sunday

7th February, 2010
3.00 p.m, Sunday noon... As I was leafing through newspapers, my eyeballs suddenly grabbed the schedule of the ongoing Kala Ghoda festival and adrenaline rushed through my blood. In no time, I made up my mind to visit the famous KG festival!

Though born and brought up in Mumbai, I still was unaware of many historic places of aamchi mumbai, but only till Sunday!

The info on open-deck bus ride in the paper had interested me the most which was scheduled at 6.00 p.m. from the bus-stop located opposite the police headquarters at Regal Circle.

I took the 4.30 p.m. fast local from Borivali and reached Churchgate at 5.30 p.m. It's a taskkkk to get a cab from station, I tell you! After a much wait, I got a shared cab. I shared the cab with two young girls who looked in their mid 20s.

Essentially, its alienating or abnormal if a day in our lives go without brawling with our fellow species! On reaching the venue, the cab driver demanded 14 bucks. I took the initiative of paying him the fare. After receiving 14 Rs. from me, the driver asked for 14 Rs. from each of the other two girls.. phew! Though I was not in for the surprise as probably the cab driver was partially right on his part; but stillllllll... ;)))

The girls looked at me innocently as if asking help... I told the cabbie that the required fare is paid and he should NOT charge us more. The cab driver was reluctant to take the shit from me ;-)) hahaha. Inspired by the Bombay High Court that I had seen passing from the cab, I managed to put up an equally tough argument with the driver:-)) “Bhaiyaaa, agar main akele taxi mai aati toh aap kitna paisa lete?” The cabbie replied promptly and I pretended to put up a pissed off face and blasted him saying: “then mere saath 2-3 jann aur ho toh aap kya sab se chauda (14) loge!!”..

The girls by that time had got a bit anxious n so they paid him 10 Rs more! After alighting from cab, they justified by telling that these drivers are like that only.. blah blah..! (kya bolneka.. aisa kaisa karte hai yeh log!). And I didn't feel like reacting to their pity faces.. pleaseeee!!! I don't like miserable-looking girls who cannot stand up EVEN for a cab fare!!!

I cleared the petty incident from my head and started to look out for the bus-stop from where the open-deck bus was about to kick off. Being unfamiliar with the place, my eyes scanned every bit of the street, shops, signals, people; Regal theatre was in front and my eyes got stuck on it for few seconds. With the trend of multiplexes goin on in the city, the crowd flocking to single-screen theatre (after a loooooooooonggg time) was an unusual sight!! Ishqiyaa was the movie running in Regal. I rolled my eyes off the theatre and at the other side of the road, I saw a blue double-decker, roofless, motionless bus standing with people already occupying the top compartment...... I roaredddddddddd in excitement and jealousyyyyy and spearheaded toward the bus as if I was competing with P.T Usha on the marathon track!! Luckily, the signals were red and I reached the bus-stop in no time.

One more scene @bus-stop:

I was stopped from boarding the bus by a good-lookingggg dudeee from the event crew who had organized the open-deck bus journey ;-). I was told that to avail the bus ride, I should have a bus pass, which can be issued from the KG office and that all the tickets were already sold out… Ohhhh.. poor me!! I was dismayed by his response; however, I hanged on and quickly learnt that few guys at the bus-stop who like me did not own the bus pass were waiting for the crew guy to change his stern mind and give’em the permit for the bus ride.

It was already 10 past 6. After accommodating almost all the pass-holders, the non-pass holders were permitted the entry to the awesomeeee, super sexyyy, open-deck bus.. but my excitement was short-lived as we were asked to take seats in the lower compartment of the bus..aweeeee!! :-(( Any which ways, the bus ride was terrific. It gave us a complete 1-hour of joy ride round our aamchi mumbai - Gateway of India, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai University, High Court, Victoria Terminus, Asiatic Society, Jehangir Art Gallery, Kama Institute, St. Andrews Church, Lion Gate, Apollo Bunder, Marine Lines sea-face, and many more.

One of the crew members was educating us with the history behind the architecture, heritage, and locations that were passing by. The event crew made a good effort to make the ride interesting and informative. But they made one grave mistake; they asked the passengers to come up with questions in case of doubts about the historical monuments of Mumbai… little did they knew that they were inviting trouble for themselves!! Lol! :-) The guys with whom I had boarded the bus were real bunch of nerds! They quizzed some surreal and nonsensical facts like what is the name of the uncle (statue of a man) standing in the premises of the Bombay Municipal Corporation office, which brand of glasses he use to wear, etc… hahaha! The bus ride was truly an exhilarating experience!!

After getting off from the bus, I found myself lost on the streets and kept on treading mindlessly. There were umpteen, brightly-lit, colorful stalls of arts and crafts sprouted at every corner. Swarm of people, rock bands, dance performances, photography, kids play, plant nursery, horse carriages.. it was all happening here @KG. People came, formed memories, and returned home with an enriching experience which will linger in minds for many years to come.

Thanks to Times Of India for displaying such a famous and undisputable exhibit every year.... hail TOI!

- A proud Indian:-)) (Self)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pocket main Rocket!!

From a salesperson heart....

The constant rejection from a customer teaches you to drop your ego.

You actually have to smile after being slapped since you need the right mental make-up to make the next sale!

No father ever dreams that his child will become a salesman; its always an MBA or an engineer! You become a salesman by chance and not by choice!
A salesman has no boss... his results speak for his performance!
Sales Rockkk Dudeees!!

- excerpt from TOI

In Your Name!

Whatever I do, things great or small..

Whatever I speak or frame...

Thy glory may I seek in all;

Do all in Jesus' name!