Friday, July 27, 2012

What Do You Think?

Do you think it's the values that clash and NOT egos?

People grow with their "self-defined" set of principles or values. If they try to override or hurt these principles/values of one another, then that's a "CLASH"! Ego is only like any other emotion that we have... What do you think?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Warm, rainy morn!

On seeing me after several several days, the little-cute toddlers in my society sprung and started to call me at the top of their voices this morning, "Aunty, aunty..". They were joyed and excited; they waved; they smiled :-) 

Short, lovely, heart-warming moments of this kind, indeed lighten up your day!

Good day!

Thought of the Day!

Wonder why legends in this world are known as "the Legends"... may be because their achievements in life were/is constant and ongoing, despite all odds and downfall.

It's a struggle to maintain the tempo of your achievements. You learn to live with this struggle, and you are a legend!