Monday, May 14, 2012


Every night,
The musical soirée of solitude play;
Breeze kisses her glistened eyes,
And the moon sparkles her face.

Behold the crescent,
She sighs;
Rising and waning,
The memoirs of life!

Every night ...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekend tale ...

It arrives with a full blown trumpet and departs with an outcast sprit! 

Weekend! She wonders if reallyyyyyy every one, in every corner of the globe has plans for the weekend! And an impromptu, "Yes"!! 

So, there are "Happy Birthdays"; "Happy Anniversaries"; and .... "Happy Weekend" :) 

Weekend is when everyone Rejoice; Rock; Relax; Reminisce; Restore; Rift, Re-unite ... .. donno why she put words starting with 'R' here; that is may be because these "Rs" are missing in her weekend!

Weekend, she thought is celebrating good times and may be somewhere makes us good at planning, management, leadership...... 

Ohhhh no no no!! Not again, please!! It's a weekend.. for heavens sake!

On this remark, she smiles, ... and goes back to find the missing letter of her life!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!

May 02, 2012:

Happy Anniversary with Lionbridge, Ru!!!