Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Freewheeling Ride..

8th May, 2011:

May 2011 has been a month different from other years.

Every morn you wake up, and you find yourself caught in the swirl of media, news channels, people all around; the killing of the most wanted perpetrator, Osama Bin Laden has happened!

The morbid news on killing, terror, political drama, and its implications on Ind-Pak-U.S. ambushes you, which is forming a “history” silently. One fine evening, I caught an interview of Ms. Hilary Clinton on one of the news channels. She delivered her proud speech on the success of mission Geronimo. She concluded her speech by saying, "This is America; we get the job done!".

That evening, the words from Ms. Clinton harbored my mind and partied all night. No matter how turbulent the recession-hit American economy be, the words from Ms. Clinton passed on the message to all the nations what it takes to be one of the most POWERFUL NATIONS in the world.


Let's sway for a few while in an anonymity and ask ourselves:
  • How many times do we take onus/responsibility of our work in our day-to-day lives?
  • Are we ready to deliver what is expected out of us in our lives and relationships?
  • Do we hold ourselves accountable for our acts/deeds that's associated with our people or society?
  • Do you think we are undetermined, feeble-minded, or just procrastinators who care less and stay secured?
  • Do you think we can "RESOLVE"?